Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Don't Want a Perfect World

Everyone's always saying how much they'd like to live in a perfect world, but I've put some thought into this and...I would not enjoy a perfect world! I mean c'mon. A world without mistakes, sounds great right? Not to me. I can't imagine living in a world where there's no learning experiences. I love the fact that I can mess something up, turn around and learn from it and share it with others. 

How would we ever grow? A world without growth throws the whole point of living out to me. Why wish for perfection when your life is a story someone is close to dying if they don't hear? Sure we all have similar experiences in life, but none are the EXACT same and I know that's for a reason. 

I don't have some crazy testimony like I use to trip hard on drugs or drink all crazy, but that doesn't make my story any less powerful than the next. I can still touch hearts because it's God who's saved me and that alone is something worth telling. 

Also, a "perfect" world would mean no emotions and as a girl, I usually can't stand emotions...I even get on my own nerves sometimes! But, then I realized...we go through things and think we can't talk to anyone about these "emotions" we're going through, because nobody has felt them before. But, wouldn't you think the only one we could tell is the very person who GAVE us those emotions? I feel like God gave emotions so when we're running around wondering who to go to, we get that light bulb above our head and realize where they came from in the first place.

When you have a problem, you probably like to go to the source...not all the he said she said people.

God's your life's source, go to Him.

So why try to live in perfection that doesn't exist here? Live your life. You'll mess up a million times and fall a million more, but the beauty is rising up and realizing how great things will soon be.

Besides, we get to live with God forever in perfection.

Ahh, the Jesus life is the life for me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Year of Growth

It seems I'm not the best at continually keeping up with my's been over a month and it seems I've said countless times that I'd do this for a change I'm going to tell you it isn't going to be regularly. I've just been bottling everything up and a blog is the public diary for whoever to read. So here we go!....again.

  I've recently purchased Casting Crowns latest CD Come to the Well (which, I think everyone should listen to it because it's absolutely fantastic!) and there's a track on there called, Already There
This year so far has been a huge challenge for me. People I spent 99% of my time with, are off doing their thing for the year or portions of it, leaving me with lots of thinking, praying, and growing to do.
So, as I'm blaring the CD in my truck I start REALLY listening to this song. In my opinion, there's 2 ways to listen to music. 
   1. Background music - singing along because it's your fav song or you're really convinced you sound      
just like Christina Agularia. 
   2. Where you kind of stop and turn it just a little louder and immediately think deeply of life situations.

My emotions have been a roller coaster lately and not even due to, "girl probs" as my twitter folk could say. It's just a heavy heart I believe. I miss important people deeply and I have a lot of alone time. Then the lines say,

"When I'm lost in the mystery
To You my future is a memory
Cause You're already there
You're already there
Standing at the end of my life
Waiting on the other side"

And then it hits me...why do I sit and wonder if everything will turn out ok? Why do I freak out about things that really shouldn't be given more thought than the right amount of syrup to pour on a snow-cone. Because, when you get caught up in your emotions and your feelings, you leave out the One who GAVE you those emotions. I feel like when I get super emotional, that's God's way of saying, "Seeeeee Hol! You really DO need me. Now let's talk.
What never ceases to amaze me, is God is fully aware of every hardship and every pain I'll ever feel by this world. The promise to hold onto is Jer. 29:11. 
It's like this...

The Game of Life...childhood fav personally ;) But, you don't know what's going to happen during the whole game, because you don't know what numbers you'll spin or when you're going to get a flat tire. What you do know is sooner than later you'll get to the end and retire in YOUR choice of homes. If we knew exactly how the game would go, we would just take easy routes and "win" the game and be over with it. 

God (being all awesome and what not) is waiting at our finish line knowing that we will make it because He has a plan. Your part is trusting Him to get you there. 

So that's what I've got to do. 
Leave it all behind and come to the well.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Great Blessings.

God has a crazy, yet awesome way of bringing the perfect people into our imperfect lives. I've met some of the greatest people I ever could have within a couple years. These people, the Felts/Brachts family, are some of my absolute favorite people and I'm do glad I've met them. I've been up and down, here and there, but some people are just always there for you.
Some affect you even if you've only met them once, but never knew them like the rest. These people have been here for me, so I need to be there for them as they're coming up on one of the hardest times they experience. So I'll always be here for them, no matter the circumstances. And I just want to thank each of them, but in very different ways.
- Dave : you're one of the most inspiring people I've ever known. You've kept me in check when I was places I shouldn't have been, you've reminded me when I slip who I am and I'll always get to where I need to be. You've shown me the paths that are worth taking and the ones I shouldn't even look at. I have a father, but you serve as my "second" one I could say. I know you're always someone to count on and I hope you realize how grateful I am for you and your family!

-Cheryl : you've been through so much, but are still probably the strongest woman I know. You've raised an astounding family and I can only hope to do as great of a job as you someday. I respect you and you're family beyond any words will ever say. I can't wait to grow closer to you as time goes on. Thank you for everything you do, because it never goes unappreciated.

-April : COUSIN! You're my best friend! I have no clue where I'd be if I was never your friend. You're the greatest friend I've ever had and I can't thank you or God enough for being in my life and dealing with my personality even though we're just about almost kinda the same in about every way :) your future is beyond bright and I hope I'm apart of it always! You're strong and beautiful and God has his hand on your life for sure.

-Micah : good grief I love you. I thank God everyday for you and I'm beyond proud of you. You're the man of God and great person I prayed so many times in my life for, for a very long time. God's blessings come in many different ways, but yours is probably my favorite. You're there for me in any time of doubt and you change my life for the better and are shaping my clumpy heart into something beautiful through the way you live out your life and calling. I can't wait to see what the future holds. I pray you'll always be in my life. I love you.

-Noah : so I met him a couple of times, but you're still a big deal in my life. You seemed so strong and someone worth while. You were placed in the greatest family, but the devil is an idiot. You were a light in the pitch black of darkness. You changed hearts and lives and you still are to this day. I can't wait to party with Jesus! We've got lots to catch up on.

- Travis, Cassidy, & Jordan : you all are amazing! I have loads of fun everytime I'm around you all. Travis, with your stupid women's rights jokes to your awesome sermons I've heard, you're a walking light. Cassidy! Your bubbly personality and passion for people inspire me and you're super awesome! Jordan, you're the sweetest person I've ever known I think! Don't ever forget your solid foundation laid by your amazing family! Never go a day without cherishing them.

I love each of you beyond words. Thank you for changing my life for the better in every area. Im thinking of you guys and I know it gets harder every year, but you're surrounded by great people and you will get through it. Always. I love y'all!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34

That verse is the exact wake up call I need. So far, this has been probably one of the hardest years of my little 17 year life. Being separated from someone you use to spend almost every day with for an entire year...forget it, it's beyond hard.
Some days I felt like, "God. Why in the world do you think I can do this? I'm nowhere near this strong to deal with this kind of situation. Why did this happen?" Basically, underestimating God's power to help me through the hard days. Until I realized, I'm right - I'm not strong enough...right now. But, God is MAKING me strong enough. He's building me up, only as I allow Him to. I have to finally open up and say, "God. I'm beyond weak without you." and it's so true. Why should I shut out the only true One who can help me through anything difficult.

So I challenge anyone who is having a difficult time right now, to focus on right now and what you can do, to invite God to take every single burden.
Life's tough. Life without God is tougher.

Friday, February 24, 2012

mirror, mirror on the wall.

Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. -Proverbs 27:19

"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine."

People wonder so often, why people ask this when it's OBVIOUS on their face something is wrong, correct? Well, just like the scripture says, your heart is going to show on your face. It serves as a mirror. You can hide something for a little while, but sooner than later you're bound to come face to face with your mirror.
Think of people as your mirrors; you can't hide your problems from the world forever. Your inner thoughts, deep in your heart, show through your actions and reactions.

The longer you build something up within yourself, the bigger your mirror will shatter when it comes out. In the Bible it talks numerous times about how we NEED to surround ourselves with people. People who comfort is and give us good talks. God didn't place 7 billion of us here to stand around and stare at each other, wondering what the other is like.
We were put here for a specific purpose, to help one another and speed the good news while doing so.

So, how's the mirror?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Let Me Share This Whole New World, With You

why yes, that was an Aladdin reference! :)

I hope I can interest some of you and help a lot! I've moved my blog site from Tumblr to now Blogspot! So help me spread this around and let's see if this works out much better than tumblr!

lots to come! thanks you guys!


you’re a little speck, in a huge universe.

Sometimes it’s like all you can do is wait. No matter how fast you’d like time to go, the inevitable strikes and patience has no choice except to kick in. God knows I need it. Life doesn’t seem to, “be fair.” But, I don’t think I’ve ever really been lead to believe that life is supposed to be everything handed to you. You’ve gotta work for what you want, in my opinion. People always expect something, like they’ve done an astounding deed and suddenly the world shall bow down and report at our service. Humbleness is needed desperately. I see it everyday. I say we all try and step back and view just how small we really are. I mean come on, look outside. You’re so tiny in this world. Especially to the God we serve, he is the almighty.
One prayer at a time, that’s all.

people shmeople…did you get that?

Seeing everyone around you change isn’t easy.
Old friends, turn to new “friends,” because of false reasoning. 
Drugs and alcohol consuming people who were once close to my heart…well let’s be real here, that sucks.
I wish people would get that bigger picture about now. How long will they live for the moment, until they realize they’re here the next day? 
What about a future? Don’t you want that?
People who said they’d never turn, do.
People who will always be there, probably won’t.
Purdy’ dang thankful God never changes like that.
Guess all I can do is pray. That’s really the only answer these days.
I’m ready to be beyond this town, I know better things await for me in this world. Sometimes I hate time. Why so long so often?
Getting through, slowly but surely, one prayer at a time.

If It Has a Price Tag…It Won’t Last.

Something so commonly used, something so commonly overlooked. “Worldly stuff doesn’t matter.” or, “you can’t take it with you when you die!”
I feel like those have become something everyone is just like yeah yeah.
No. It’s so true. We overlook the little things, as believers of the Word. Why are you obsessing over certain labels? They’ll fade eventually. Why are you obsessing over looking a certain way? Looks fade as well.
Why AREN’T we looking to God? He never fades away. His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on you (One Thing Remains by Jesus Culture). Why is that SO hard for us to grasp? Because it’s easier just to blow it off? Or it’s easier to walk along and pretend it’s nothing? But it’s something so big. My heart is to help. Help people get the big picture. But, it’s not an easy task that’s for sure. But I can’t quit. For example, say Lance Armstrong is in the middle of one of his big races and all of a sudden, he’s tired of this. What if he doesn’t finish first? What if, what if. Say, he turns around, and just goes back. What did he accomplish? Nothing. He would’ve turned his back on something he loved, because he let himself get in the way of a bigger goal.
So don’t let life’s price tags keep you away from your goal.
It’s not easy. Just worth it.
Try, one prayer at a time.

your strength won’t fade unless you allow it.

I know we’re not garunteed the next second; I feel like we take that saying out of context.
Let’s go off for a second to some other common and widely popular sayings…
“Life’s short…live it up!” “Life’s short, do something crazy!” “You’ll never be old and wise if you’re never young and crazy!” 
So where I’m going with this; yes, I believe to APPRECIATE every minute of your life. But, that doesn’t mean do something stupid that you’ll regret when you keep breathing after today.
I’ve been thinking up some reasonable things to live by (I suggest these to anyone and everyone)
~ Be an impact on someone, not a burden.
~Make it MATTER. Don’t settle for something just counting.
~Judge and be judged or love and be loved.
~Live with goals; but most of all live it out through passion. 
Even when it’s (life) far from easy, it’s so worth it.
Get through it…
one prayer at a time.

september 1st is approaching.

“I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.” — Charles R. Swindoll
I couldn’t agree with that more! But one friend who has really been a big blessing on my life is my best friend Eggroll! Hahaha, okay so only a few people understand that. Let’s try this - April Felts. It’s one thing to have a lot of amazing friends - which I do! But it’s an awesome thing to have one where you both act like complete crazies (O.o I hate that movie) and have jokes to no end. We’re often referred to as, “The HOL and RIL show”. But will deny it to no end! We met through my awesome church and became friends on the great day of September 1, 2010! (yes we will be having a party Friday the 2nd. Details to come).
But it’s a good feeling to know somebody always has your back like I know she will and she can expect the same from me.
I just thought I’d brag a little because I’m really really blessed with all the people in my life :)

brand vs. generic

So this morning as I was pouring a bowl of delicious Cocoa Puffs, I remembered not long ago at camp we were given cereal, but it was like a generic brand and it didn’t taste near as good as the real brand. So that put this very thought in my head this morning.
Brands aren’t a bad thing - there are many different kinds, with different appearances, flavors, etc.. And isn’t difference something we all strive for in this life?
So here it is, be your own brand! Make it you. So many people go through life trying to look like this famous person or getting their hair done like so and so. Whether you like it or not, do what YOU like. Make other people realize how amazing you truly are. 
You accomplish nothing living life the generic way; you shine brightest when you’re at YOUR best…not someone elses best. 
If God made all of us different, why would you spend life trying to fix that to blend in? Everything you do, everything you say; make it yours.
and remember, “you were born an original, don’t die a copy.”

Quit Holding Hands With Your Past.

“A thousand times I’ve failed, still Your mercy remains.”
How reassuring, but difficult.
I wish I could put into words what I’ve been struggling with on my spiritual walk, but I really can’t. 
So many times in life we look back into our past, while sometimes that can be a fun thing at other times, it’s full of regrets and struggles. I feel like when we look back on the bad parts, it brings back those feelings we experienced at that time and just brings us down more. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to look back, it’s a perfect way to see how much you’ve grown and gotten to from where you began. BUT, there are some circumstances when we should no longer glance at those regrets but do a 180 and walk away. We can’t grow/learn from our mistakes if we keep dwelling on them. At some point, you’ve got to stand up and take some initiative for yourself and reassure yourself God has better things planned for you (Jer. 29:11) and that no matter how dark it seems, there is ALWAYS a light at the end of a tunnel no matter what. There are only seasons in this life, no permanent settings. Things change day to day, and even within minutes. So with all bright things ahead, why are we STILL holding hands with the past? I have a personal issue with getting frustrated with people who don’t listen to the WHOLE sha-bang. It’s like I could just hold them and shake them to try to get my point fully across. If something didn’t make it in your future, leave it in the past. It’s over, better things ahead. YOU HAVE TO move on, stay strong, and always keep on keepin’ on. 
James 1:2 tells us. “for when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” I don’t know if it’s just me, but that just hit me. Dead on. It’s only through our trials, we can rise.
So don’t look at the regrets, look at how you’ve grown.
And, “oh the places you will go” when you do so.

People are like a vapor, their days like a shadow that disappears. -Psalms 144:4

As I’m still in the midst of how to receive the news my pastor has moved on…I’m without thoughts still. I’m blank. I have nothing to say, except, “this too shall pass”. As I arrived home this afternoon, instead of getting out of truck I sat here for a second and listened to the radio. During this time 2 of my favorite worship songs came on. Glorious Day by Casting Crowns and How He Loves by David Crowder Band. I sat in silence and thought. When I realized that these songs had held me back in my truck to where I still didn’t want to leave, I realized that I will still worship my God even though things constantly go crazy in this life full of twists, turns, and drop offs. Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief. -Proverbs 14:13 This won’t be an easy thing to cope with. But this is NOT God’s doing. Not my God. Sure, people will talk, spread rumors, put down people and the church. But that’s not what I’m about and I for one will not take it. My pastor is only dead in the flesh. His spirit is very much alive at the right hand of The throne. I’ll leave with this quote I came across.
“You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all he’s left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember him only that he is gone, or you can cherish his memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back. Or you can do what he’d want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
The Lord gives his people strength; the Lord grants his people security. -Psalms 29:11
The only way to cope, is one prayer at a time for now. -Holly

Movin On, Stayin Strong, and Keepin’ On. Part 1.

Matthew 16:24-26 says, “if any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me, you will find thrue life. And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world, but lose your own soul in the process? Is anything worth more than your soul?” 
To me, this is Jesus saying basically if anyone wants to pursue Him, put asideeverything and go full force for Him. If you stay in your ways and live only a life for yourself on this earth, when you die…where are you going? But something asked so mall of us as to get past everything that has been done to us and give God the glory He deserves, we find that SO difficult.
Example: boyfriends and girlfriends.
We go most of our life without meeting someone who completely amazes us and who we love despite their flaws. But once they’re there and enter our lives, they’re our everything. Some even refer to them, “their reason they breath…their everything…world..” etc, we’ve all heard those cheesy things. Why is we become SOOOO dependent upon someone who can only say they love us, but their love is nothing compared to the Fathers.

My God is a God who provides

“okay just step back…examine yourself…breathe…don’t forgot to breathe…you’re going to be fine…I think”. These are words that formed my week. I think the real test in this week was my words. I watched how I worded things. I’ll catch you up a bit on my life….
History. AP history…tough stuff, it’s quite rough. (poet didn’t know it?!) anyways, my grade slipped a bit so I had to battle to get it up. It’s a very hard class. We had a quiz today (Friday) which would be my opportunity to bring it up. Well I studied like I’ve never studied before. Why? Because if I didn’t I was going to lose all my privileges; truck, phone, etc. That’s when it hit me while speaking those words I said earlier… My problem was I THINK I CAN DO IT. the word tells us that what we speak we shall have, right? I experienced it first hand this week.
Last Sunday in our service our guest speaker touched on words. The positive and negative. People always say “God doesn’t answer my prayers”….well He answered them I guess? You’re speaking that negative content over your life, that will be your result.
This whole week I said, “I will pass this test.” I continuously told myself this. Friends would say, “are you sure?” and my response would be simple, “God believes in me. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). After saying something a lot, you tend to believe it. So I did.
Well today was test day. This was it. It all came down to my faith and remembrance from studying. And praise God, I remembered all my terms and passed that quiz. I did better than ever. Why? I spoke positive things and the name of Jesus over it.
My God is a God who provides.
School is almost done, I’ll finish by one prayer at a time :)

just do your best to hear me, it’s all you can do.

As girls we’re all told growing up that every boy is the same. They’re all stupid, dogs, and well pigs. That no matter how different we think they are, they’ll eventually prove it right and put you over. We all sit and wonder about that “perfect” person. We hope for all the best, dream about the movies we see, and pray that the person just for us will suddenly appear before our eyes and live happily ever after. I wish I could go along and I say I believe the loads I just told you, but I can’t. Now, don’t get me wrong…I’m only sixteen. You’re probably thinking to yourself that I have the rest of my life to figure this kind of stuff out and that this should really be the least of my worries…am I right? Oh you’re too predictable. Not really, I’m just figuring all the angles of the wide audience I am speaking to. Some of you, the sappy rediculous, lovey dovey, mushy gushy, teen girls might be thinking, “oh yes. how perfect! my boy is the best” blah blah blah, and life goes on. Well now that I’ve expierianced your thoughts…I’ll go to mine. 
I don’t mind not being up some guys butt about how we’re in “love” and can’t be apart for longer than 15 minutes…I don’t trust a lot of guys, what reason do I have to? None have given me the privledge to. I think what bothers me THE most, is knowing something could be so incredible perfect, but it’s going to take a LONG time. Okay not that long, just a couple of years. I pray and get response and I know what could happen…but it’s a matter of that person listening to God as well. Let me give you an example: you know the joke about the chicken and crossing the road right? Okay, follow me I promise I’m going somewhere with this. So here you are, you’re a chicken. There’s something you know you have to get on the other side of the road and you think the thing on the other side wants you to get over there. Also it knows you’re supposed to be over there, but the only thing in a way is a better animal in the eyes of this other person. So would you rather A) attempt crossing, but risking the possible let down and being ran over. B) make it across the road fine, but once you get there you realized it was the completely wrong timing. OR, C) be patient, wait for this animal to move because you know eventually it’ll pass and then cross at the perfect time and then move along down the road with timing everything just right. I pick….C. Although now sounds great, I know it’s not right. I know timing is everything in this prayer. This big, big prayer coming from just a little voice crying out to God. He hears me, no doubt within me. He knows my heart and greatest desire. Mark 11:24 says, “For this reason I tell you, whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Well, I do believe…I hope you do too. If this is what it takes, I’ll get through…you know…just one prayer at a time. 

how great IS our God?

While laying in bed one of my favorite worship songs came on the radio. “How Great Is Our God,” by Chris Tomlin. As I’m pondering the thought of this huge universe and all of creation…I don’t know what to say. I can only stand in awe of my creator. 
Let me tell you a little story. I went to see Chris Tomlin in concert, and there was a preacher there who showed us something completely mind blowing. It was a combination of: stars and whales. Sounds completely rediculous right? Follow me on this one. He combined them all together and a song what formed…How Great is Our God. It brought tears to my eyes to actually here just STARS and WHALES singing to their creator. It talks in the Bible about how all of creation will sing out and that was my proof. It shook me up inside, but in a good way.  Amazing huh?
I was standing outside today and just looking off in the distance at the land behind my house. As I was looking, even though it was a rainy, dreery kind of day, I found beauty in it. I felt as if it was a refreshment to God’s land. Everything is turning so green and soon these grey skies will pass, so why should I frown when they’re near? This world is a beautiful sight right in front of us, that we’re too ignorant to look at it when it’s all around us. If only I could have a huge alarm to wake up this world, but for now the change can only occur through the works of my God through me and His other children. One prayer at a time, I’ll get through this life standing on my feet no matter how many times I stumble. 
“because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”   2 Corinthians 4:18

enough of the blame game, let’s get real.

The blame game. We’re all guilty of this. We play a role somehow even subconciously. Think I’m kidding? Let’s talk, Christian to Christian and even Non-Believers. Look at this world and what it has come to. We live in a place where the music people are putting in their heads is strictly talking about: sex, drugs, etc… we live in a world, where abuse, alcohol, drugs, teen pregnancy, etc is all the main thing people focus on. Follow me here, I don’t want to lose you on this one. We can all sit around and talk about how bad this world is and how times have changed. In all reality, isn’t it for people like you and I the reason things have gotten this way? It’s OK for things to be this way? Who are YOU to make any kind of change here? You’re just one voice, one person, you can’t do anything. Is that right? Is this voice of the enemy over you? NO. But it is what everyone else seems to be listening to. You may not be able to change the world in one day, none of us can really. What’s the matter with voicing an opinion nowadays? Nobody else struggles with it, but why is it as believers we can speak so strongly in the House of God, we can even shout. But you put us on the street - our own mission world practically in our backyard - and we don’t know how to act. It’s almost like we’re overcome with doubt. That’s something we’ll never admit outloud though, but we’ll agree in our minds. THAT is the problem right there. Everything that could be making changes is only taking place within our minds. Why can’t we expand? Is there a real reason or do we just call ourselves cowards and move on with things? Or MAYBE, just maybe…we feel guilty. Step into my mind for a second and listen to what I’m saying…do we feel guilty because this world serves as a mirror?…I’m not saying you’re being conformed to this world, but when we look out at all the struggle, guilt overtakes and we easily become influenced with our surroundings.  Confused yet? I’ll give you an example.
Example 1: Someone tells you about their terrible day they just had. You try to comfort them and tell them things will look out and the next day is a new day to which they choose how it goes. You feel strong and good about your day for now right? Of course. But what about when that person is gone…are you filled with that negativity? Do you question the LITTLEST things that maybe made you stumble in your day, that you didn’t pay attention to then, but now that you think about it, you say your day wasn’t the best either.
Right there! You’re being influenced by someone whether it’s good or bad. No, you don’t have issues, you’re only human after all. But could this be the result of the world? We’re all influenced by people everyday of our lives, the impact we choose to take, is well our choice. 
Strength: [noun] power of resisting force.
Can we not find the strength to show this world who we are? I’m in. Psalms 18:39 says, “You give me strength for battle; you make my foes kneel before me”.  I for one, have faith in the Lord and his word. So with that being said, do you have the strength to separate from this world and show it who’s boss? I for one, am ready for change.

know when you stumble, you’re never alone

You know when nothing seems to be going your way? Say “for example,” you get your license, but you haven’t gotten to drive yet. Or you have something you want to tell someone, but you wouldn’t dare because it isn’t the right time. Maybe even the fact that you find out you’re going to have to cough up some money soon. Quite a lot actually. What about the fact that you can’t seem to get something you’ve been praying for a lot? What then? Do you let loose of your emotions you constantly keep in a bottle? Or do you bottle them up until you’ve reached the point of explosion. Now, before you go and say to yourself, “sheesh, get over it. you’re a whine bag.” don’t. Give me a chance to explain myself would ya’? Okay, I’m trying. I’m not complaining. I’m actually using this as a prompt to tell you all that even on our weakest days/weeks when NOTHING is going our way…we can still be thankful and happy. Everyday, every mood, every next action is indeed a choice. So let’s make a comparative list of the good and bad, let’s see what sounds better.
1. License….no driving yet.
2. No car
3. Struggling with study time in school
4. Patience wearing thin
5. Finding it difficult to prioritize
6. I need to tell you, but dream on because I can’t…I just can’t. So I bottle it up
7. I’m losing my voice
8. Little arguments
let’s transition to the good…
1. I’m alive
2. I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back
3. I know eventually everything will fall into place, there’s always a light at the end of a tunnel no matter how far the view
5. AMAZING friends/family in my life
6. I have a rock your socks off, amazing church
7. I have so many people around me that love and care for me
8. God wouldn’t put me through anything I can’t handle
9. No matter how I mess up, my God forgives me and still loves me
10. I’m blessed…no matter what anyone says
So, I seem to have more good than bad…SO DO YOU. You can sit and disagree all you want, but if you take the time and do such a thing and look at the bright side of life for a change, maybe you’ll feel a little differently. There’s always a solution to your problem….Jesus. Believe different? Get to know Him, He’s amazing and that’s only an understatement. Wanna’ hear something awesome that gives me strength? “I am able to do all things through the one who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 and that my friends, is from the wonderful book of life. The B-i-b-l-e, that’s the book for you and me!
Let’s get real, we all have bad days. Every single one of us. BUT, with a change in heart and a new look on life, we can all get through it. One prayer at a time.
P.S - if you’d like to hear a great song that reassures me of things, listen to “Never Alone,” by Lady Antebellum.