Friday, February 24, 2012

mirror, mirror on the wall.

Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. -Proverbs 27:19

"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine."

People wonder so often, why people ask this when it's OBVIOUS on their face something is wrong, correct? Well, just like the scripture says, your heart is going to show on your face. It serves as a mirror. You can hide something for a little while, but sooner than later you're bound to come face to face with your mirror.
Think of people as your mirrors; you can't hide your problems from the world forever. Your inner thoughts, deep in your heart, show through your actions and reactions.

The longer you build something up within yourself, the bigger your mirror will shatter when it comes out. In the Bible it talks numerous times about how we NEED to surround ourselves with people. People who comfort is and give us good talks. God didn't place 7 billion of us here to stand around and stare at each other, wondering what the other is like.
We were put here for a specific purpose, to help one another and speed the good news while doing so.

So, how's the mirror?

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