Monday, February 20, 2012

you’re a little speck, in a huge universe.

Sometimes it’s like all you can do is wait. No matter how fast you’d like time to go, the inevitable strikes and patience has no choice except to kick in. God knows I need it. Life doesn’t seem to, “be fair.” But, I don’t think I’ve ever really been lead to believe that life is supposed to be everything handed to you. You’ve gotta work for what you want, in my opinion. People always expect something, like they’ve done an astounding deed and suddenly the world shall bow down and report at our service. Humbleness is needed desperately. I see it everyday. I say we all try and step back and view just how small we really are. I mean come on, look outside. You’re so tiny in this world. Especially to the God we serve, he is the almighty.
One prayer at a time, that’s all.

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