Monday, February 20, 2012

enough of the blame game, let’s get real.

The blame game. We’re all guilty of this. We play a role somehow even subconciously. Think I’m kidding? Let’s talk, Christian to Christian and even Non-Believers. Look at this world and what it has come to. We live in a place where the music people are putting in their heads is strictly talking about: sex, drugs, etc… we live in a world, where abuse, alcohol, drugs, teen pregnancy, etc is all the main thing people focus on. Follow me here, I don’t want to lose you on this one. We can all sit around and talk about how bad this world is and how times have changed. In all reality, isn’t it for people like you and I the reason things have gotten this way? It’s OK for things to be this way? Who are YOU to make any kind of change here? You’re just one voice, one person, you can’t do anything. Is that right? Is this voice of the enemy over you? NO. But it is what everyone else seems to be listening to. You may not be able to change the world in one day, none of us can really. What’s the matter with voicing an opinion nowadays? Nobody else struggles with it, but why is it as believers we can speak so strongly in the House of God, we can even shout. But you put us on the street - our own mission world practically in our backyard - and we don’t know how to act. It’s almost like we’re overcome with doubt. That’s something we’ll never admit outloud though, but we’ll agree in our minds. THAT is the problem right there. Everything that could be making changes is only taking place within our minds. Why can’t we expand? Is there a real reason or do we just call ourselves cowards and move on with things? Or MAYBE, just maybe…we feel guilty. Step into my mind for a second and listen to what I’m saying…do we feel guilty because this world serves as a mirror?…I’m not saying you’re being conformed to this world, but when we look out at all the struggle, guilt overtakes and we easily become influenced with our surroundings.  Confused yet? I’ll give you an example.
Example 1: Someone tells you about their terrible day they just had. You try to comfort them and tell them things will look out and the next day is a new day to which they choose how it goes. You feel strong and good about your day for now right? Of course. But what about when that person is gone…are you filled with that negativity? Do you question the LITTLEST things that maybe made you stumble in your day, that you didn’t pay attention to then, but now that you think about it, you say your day wasn’t the best either.
Right there! You’re being influenced by someone whether it’s good or bad. No, you don’t have issues, you’re only human after all. But could this be the result of the world? We’re all influenced by people everyday of our lives, the impact we choose to take, is well our choice. 
Strength: [noun] power of resisting force.
Can we not find the strength to show this world who we are? I’m in. Psalms 18:39 says, “You give me strength for battle; you make my foes kneel before me”.  I for one, have faith in the Lord and his word. So with that being said, do you have the strength to separate from this world and show it who’s boss? I for one, am ready for change.

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