Monday, February 20, 2012

how great IS our God?

While laying in bed one of my favorite worship songs came on the radio. “How Great Is Our God,” by Chris Tomlin. As I’m pondering the thought of this huge universe and all of creation…I don’t know what to say. I can only stand in awe of my creator. 
Let me tell you a little story. I went to see Chris Tomlin in concert, and there was a preacher there who showed us something completely mind blowing. It was a combination of: stars and whales. Sounds completely rediculous right? Follow me on this one. He combined them all together and a song what formed…How Great is Our God. It brought tears to my eyes to actually here just STARS and WHALES singing to their creator. It talks in the Bible about how all of creation will sing out and that was my proof. It shook me up inside, but in a good way.  Amazing huh?
I was standing outside today and just looking off in the distance at the land behind my house. As I was looking, even though it was a rainy, dreery kind of day, I found beauty in it. I felt as if it was a refreshment to God’s land. Everything is turning so green and soon these grey skies will pass, so why should I frown when they’re near? This world is a beautiful sight right in front of us, that we’re too ignorant to look at it when it’s all around us. If only I could have a huge alarm to wake up this world, but for now the change can only occur through the works of my God through me and His other children. One prayer at a time, I’ll get through this life standing on my feet no matter how many times I stumble. 
“because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”   2 Corinthians 4:18

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