Monday, February 20, 2012

brand vs. generic

So this morning as I was pouring a bowl of delicious Cocoa Puffs, I remembered not long ago at camp we were given cereal, but it was like a generic brand and it didn’t taste near as good as the real brand. So that put this very thought in my head this morning.
Brands aren’t a bad thing - there are many different kinds, with different appearances, flavors, etc.. And isn’t difference something we all strive for in this life?
So here it is, be your own brand! Make it you. So many people go through life trying to look like this famous person or getting their hair done like so and so. Whether you like it or not, do what YOU like. Make other people realize how amazing you truly are. 
You accomplish nothing living life the generic way; you shine brightest when you’re at YOUR best…not someone elses best. 
If God made all of us different, why would you spend life trying to fix that to blend in? Everything you do, everything you say; make it yours.
and remember, “you were born an original, don’t die a copy.”

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