Wednesday, March 7, 2012

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34

That verse is the exact wake up call I need. So far, this has been probably one of the hardest years of my little 17 year life. Being separated from someone you use to spend almost every day with for an entire year...forget it, it's beyond hard.
Some days I felt like, "God. Why in the world do you think I can do this? I'm nowhere near this strong to deal with this kind of situation. Why did this happen?" Basically, underestimating God's power to help me through the hard days. Until I realized, I'm right - I'm not strong enough...right now. But, God is MAKING me strong enough. He's building me up, only as I allow Him to. I have to finally open up and say, "God. I'm beyond weak without you." and it's so true. Why should I shut out the only true One who can help me through anything difficult.

So I challenge anyone who is having a difficult time right now, to focus on right now and what you can do, to invite God to take every single burden.
Life's tough. Life without God is tougher.

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