Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Don't Want a Perfect World

Everyone's always saying how much they'd like to live in a perfect world, but I've put some thought into this and...I would not enjoy a perfect world! I mean c'mon. A world without mistakes, sounds great right? Not to me. I can't imagine living in a world where there's no learning experiences. I love the fact that I can mess something up, turn around and learn from it and share it with others. 

How would we ever grow? A world without growth throws the whole point of living out to me. Why wish for perfection when your life is a story someone is close to dying if they don't hear? Sure we all have similar experiences in life, but none are the EXACT same and I know that's for a reason. 

I don't have some crazy testimony like I use to trip hard on drugs or drink all crazy, but that doesn't make my story any less powerful than the next. I can still touch hearts because it's God who's saved me and that alone is something worth telling. 

Also, a "perfect" world would mean no emotions and as a girl, I usually can't stand emotions...I even get on my own nerves sometimes! But, then I realized...we go through things and think we can't talk to anyone about these "emotions" we're going through, because nobody has felt them before. But, wouldn't you think the only one we could tell is the very person who GAVE us those emotions? I feel like God gave emotions so when we're running around wondering who to go to, we get that light bulb above our head and realize where they came from in the first place.

When you have a problem, you probably like to go to the source...not all the he said she said people.

God's your life's source, go to Him.

So why try to live in perfection that doesn't exist here? Live your life. You'll mess up a million times and fall a million more, but the beauty is rising up and realizing how great things will soon be.

Besides, we get to live with God forever in perfection.

Ahh, the Jesus life is the life for me.


  1. Another good one Holly. I like the way that Joe McGee puts it, "We're not known as the falling down people. We're known as the getting back up people." Good to know that I can always get back up when I fall down.

  2. Holly, you are such a joy to read! Every time I read your blog, im like, "She knows!!!!". You really are inspiring others and showing that it's not just one person who feels a certain way. You are a phenom in this big blue marble! Jesus loves you!
