Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Don't Want a Perfect World

Everyone's always saying how much they'd like to live in a perfect world, but I've put some thought into this and...I would not enjoy a perfect world! I mean c'mon. A world without mistakes, sounds great right? Not to me. I can't imagine living in a world where there's no learning experiences. I love the fact that I can mess something up, turn around and learn from it and share it with others. 

How would we ever grow? A world without growth throws the whole point of living out to me. Why wish for perfection when your life is a story someone is close to dying if they don't hear? Sure we all have similar experiences in life, but none are the EXACT same and I know that's for a reason. 

I don't have some crazy testimony like I use to trip hard on drugs or drink all crazy, but that doesn't make my story any less powerful than the next. I can still touch hearts because it's God who's saved me and that alone is something worth telling. 

Also, a "perfect" world would mean no emotions and as a girl, I usually can't stand emotions...I even get on my own nerves sometimes! But, then I realized...we go through things and think we can't talk to anyone about these "emotions" we're going through, because nobody has felt them before. But, wouldn't you think the only one we could tell is the very person who GAVE us those emotions? I feel like God gave emotions so when we're running around wondering who to go to, we get that light bulb above our head and realize where they came from in the first place.

When you have a problem, you probably like to go to the source...not all the he said she said people.

God's your life's source, go to Him.

So why try to live in perfection that doesn't exist here? Live your life. You'll mess up a million times and fall a million more, but the beauty is rising up and realizing how great things will soon be.

Besides, we get to live with God forever in perfection.

Ahh, the Jesus life is the life for me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Year of Growth

It seems I'm not the best at continually keeping up with my's been over a month and it seems I've said countless times that I'd do this for a change I'm going to tell you it isn't going to be regularly. I've just been bottling everything up and a blog is the public diary for whoever to read. So here we go!....again.

  I've recently purchased Casting Crowns latest CD Come to the Well (which, I think everyone should listen to it because it's absolutely fantastic!) and there's a track on there called, Already There
This year so far has been a huge challenge for me. People I spent 99% of my time with, are off doing their thing for the year or portions of it, leaving me with lots of thinking, praying, and growing to do.
So, as I'm blaring the CD in my truck I start REALLY listening to this song. In my opinion, there's 2 ways to listen to music. 
   1. Background music - singing along because it's your fav song or you're really convinced you sound      
just like Christina Agularia. 
   2. Where you kind of stop and turn it just a little louder and immediately think deeply of life situations.

My emotions have been a roller coaster lately and not even due to, "girl probs" as my twitter folk could say. It's just a heavy heart I believe. I miss important people deeply and I have a lot of alone time. Then the lines say,

"When I'm lost in the mystery
To You my future is a memory
Cause You're already there
You're already there
Standing at the end of my life
Waiting on the other side"

And then it hits me...why do I sit and wonder if everything will turn out ok? Why do I freak out about things that really shouldn't be given more thought than the right amount of syrup to pour on a snow-cone. Because, when you get caught up in your emotions and your feelings, you leave out the One who GAVE you those emotions. I feel like when I get super emotional, that's God's way of saying, "Seeeeee Hol! You really DO need me. Now let's talk.
What never ceases to amaze me, is God is fully aware of every hardship and every pain I'll ever feel by this world. The promise to hold onto is Jer. 29:11. 
It's like this...

The Game of Life...childhood fav personally ;) But, you don't know what's going to happen during the whole game, because you don't know what numbers you'll spin or when you're going to get a flat tire. What you do know is sooner than later you'll get to the end and retire in YOUR choice of homes. If we knew exactly how the game would go, we would just take easy routes and "win" the game and be over with it. 

God (being all awesome and what not) is waiting at our finish line knowing that we will make it because He has a plan. Your part is trusting Him to get you there. 

So that's what I've got to do. 
Leave it all behind and come to the well.